Top 15 Wonderful Examples of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing offers widespread opportunity for new innovations and various solutions to enterprise demands. For this reason, many individuals and enterprises have at one point used the services of the cloud even without their knowledge. What’s more, individuals and businesses (both small and large) increasingly continue to adopt cloud computing services.

In this article, we take a look at the top 15 wonderful examples of cloud computing.

Top 15 Wonderful Examples of Cloud Computing

Table of Contents

  1. Email communication

Email is the most common form of cloud computing. It a classic example of a Sofware as a Service (SaaS) application, and has been in usage for dozens of years. The service continues to evolve, embracing reliability and faster services. With email support such as Outlook and Gmail, users can access various services over the Internet. It enables virtual communication through e-mail messaging and also serves as a means of storing communication data. Almost every enterprise or business and a good number of people use e-mail messaging service for communication and small data sharing/transfer.

  1. File Sharing, Synchronization and Storage

Most file sharing, synchronization and storage services are forms and examples of cloud computing. Perhaps you’ve heard of, Dropbox, Google Drive and SkyDrive just to mention a few. All these are cloud service providers offering file sharing, synchronization and storage services which can be accessed from any location with a suitable device provided there is Internet connectivity. Some may provide limited storage, but users can scale on an on-demand basis since they all have a utility pricing model. With such service, users can easily manage their files and data.

  1. Website Hosting Services

Website hosting is very common within the business world environment. Essentially, the underlying elements that support web hosting uses cloud computing software applications. In a nutshell, web hosting is a prime example of cloud computing. The smooth running of the website as well as the ability of scalability is enabled by web-based services within their specialized hosted environments. They are built on the cloud to enable scalability and growth based on demand.

  1. Project collaboration platforms

There are various platforms that offer great tools for undertaking short-term projects collaboratively. A good example is website or application development platform. With the platform, teams can work together to come up with a suitable website or application. The entire job is done on the platform over the internet. These platforms are categorized as Software as a Service (SaaS) in cloud computing. Besides, the good thing with such platforms is that you can work on a short-term project then take it down once done.

  1. eCommerce

In conjunction with Big Data and website hosting, eCommerce solutions have been established. However, most people don’t know that the systems maintaining and supporting eCommerce are cloud based. The cloud stores, secures and manages customer and financial data even as it grows due to increased eCommerce transactions. The cloud also ensures scalability as the eCommerce demands arise. The eCommerce data (customer and financial information) is thus self-managed by the cloud architecture either in private or hybrid cloud spaces where they are well secured and firewalled.

  1. Digital (online) advertising

Digital (online) advertising is often headless, meaning; advertisements are distributed over a wide area yet centrally monitored and maintained “behind the scenes” by a main “circuit board chip.” Advertising central servers are becoming more frequent and they are mainly hosted in the cloud together with Content Deliver Network (CDN) services. Advertising companies have become more agile by utilizing the cloud to deliver digital (online) marketing solutions.

  1. Disaster recovery models

In the contemporary world, unexpected data loss may occur at any time due to unforeseen IT infrastructure failures, black outs  or natural disasters. Accordingly, enterprises and users with crucial data usually outsource the services of third parties to store their files or manage their operating systems or servers as a precaution against data loss. The third party service providers simply store and manage the data or applications on their servers so that failovers can easily recover from IT infrastructure disasters. This type of provision is an explicit example of cloud computing.

  1. CloudTV

Marketing initiatives in the modern world has brought about the use of CloudTV as a means of reaching wide number of audiences with the ability to reach any type of user device. CloudTV is whereby an active video with targeted information is hosted on a cloud-based platform like websites or servers such that users can easily watch the video as long as there is Internet connectivity. Accordingly, diverse content can be stored and accessed through devices connected to servers or websites supporting the active videos. In precise, the CloudTV approach puts intelligence in the network as opposed to the device.

  1. Online Gaming

Most gamers now prefer to game online as it comes with the benefits of improved scalability of the game session, cheaper on-demand provisioning, and software application enforcement with flawless load balancing. All these are made possible because the games are supported and hosted on a distributed cloud infrastructure that can be accessed by various online gamers. The games are simply supported by virtualized cloud resources that maintain and scale up performance needs in the “background” without the end users having to purchase costly or heavy software operating devices.

  1. Online conferencing and video calling

Cloud computing enables fast and cost-friendly communication through online conferencing. Video calling is also a common thing in this technology age. Because of this reason, several businesses and people are taking advantage of the cloud resources to extend communication capabilities without having to build satellites or use wired systems. Skype and Hangout are video calling examples which are supported by cloud computing.

  1. Social media platforms

Social media platforms are on the rise and provide instant means of transferring and sharing information/data to others. Multi-access platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and Instagram are a few examples defining the presence of social media and how fast information/data can be shared or transmitted. These platforms are being stood up in the cloud where the offerings can be scaled. Social media platforms hence constitute good examples of cloud computing.

  1. Big Data/Business Intelligence

Businesses in the current era are shifting towards Big Data and Business Intelligence which are used for analytics to find out business prospects and evaluate customer feedback.  Because customer base will always increase as the business grows, the environment that records and evaluates the data also has to embrace scalability and efficiency. This has been achieved through cloud computing analytics tools such as the Microsoft BI thereby including Big Data and Business Intelligence as examples of cloud computing.

  1. Virtual office

The traditional world view of people working at a certain physical location, best known as an office, is slowly taking a back seat as the contemporary world embraces remote working. For instance, many people nowadays work from home or in very remote places like during vacations or field research. This has been made possible by servers that enable better localization of work. There are also numerous companies that serve thousands of audiences across the globe, but from a single location. The best example is the use of Google Docs or Microsoft Office Live to collaborate or run a virtual office where the work is done over an online server.

  1. Faster, more powerful and scalable CPU

In the IT world, especially in recent times, there has been more and more demand for immediate access to highly performing CPU. Large volumes of information and data as well as high operation software are needed by enterprises and IT oriented users to enable them customize and increase the lead-time for operation execution. One of the most recent and common solution to this is through high performance cloud computing environments, which offer more CPU power at lower costs. Using virtual environments to harness faster, extra processing power, and scalable CPU is a wonderful example of cloud computing.

  1. Blogging platforms

There are countless blogging platforms in the entire face of earth. Considering their ways of operations and how various audiences access them, they are supported by hosted blogging service. Consequently, the creation of information and accessibility via blogging platforms is a true example of cloud computing.

See also  Top 15 Breathtaking Benefits of Cloud Computing

About Mike Stanley

Mike Stanley is a dedicated and passionate writer with a keen interest in the world of celebrity finance. With a background in journalism and economics, Mike has found his niche in researching and documenting the net worth of some of the most influential figures in the entertainment industry. His work is characterized by meticulous research and a commitment to providing accurate, up-to-date financial profiles.