With today’s technology-driven world, each company requires the ability to keep track of clients, products, procedures, employees and various other data in a reliable manner. For those who hope to move forward and expand the company to other locations, it is a good idea to be forward-thinking and consider all the options when you are creating a business. Instead of looking at a budget for start-up devices, software and data storage in a finite location, it is worthwhile to consider cloud computing.
You may ask, as a novice business executive, what is cloud computing? The answer to that is simple: Cloud Computing is defined as a practice using remote servers and the Internet to store data. This means you have the ability manage and process the data via these remote servers as well. This is compared to times before the Internet, when your company data was stored in a single computer or small network in a facility. If anything were to happen to that computer or facility, your data was lost and the business would have a very difficult time in getting back to productive times.
Wikipedia defines cloud computing as,
“Cloud computing is a kind of Internet-based computing that provides shared processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. It is a model for enabling ubiquitous, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services), which can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort.“
Cloud computing has become more popular as the Internet is prolific, available in remote locations and on devices as small as your smartphone. The use of cloud computing for business data has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more businessmen and administrations recognize the value of protecting data to the greatest possible extent.
This means utilizing means that are outside a single location and can be accessed easily, with the more accessible locations the better. There are numerous advantages to cloud computing that can be considered if you are newly aware of this option and are balancing the option of creating a network at your business versus investing in the use of cloud storage and enhancing your levels of data accessibility.
12 Awesome Reasons to Choose Cloud Computing
1. Knowledge Can be Backed Up Indefinitely
When it comes to a physical system or a single device, inevitably updates are needed and that system becomes ineffective. With the use of cloud computing, you gain the ability to keep knowledge and data stored indefinitely, changing devices as necessary without losing the information that you need to keep the business moving forward on a daily basis.
2. Reduces Cost for Infrastructure
With the use of cloud computing, fewer devices and a much less intricate physical system will be required to help the employees do a good job. This means less cost for you, while the data remains reachable and effective for use. The budget that may have been set aside for a more complex infrastructure can be put toward training for employees or additional data storage security measures available through the service you chose. Either way, the company can benefit greatly from that cheaper infrastructure.
3. Makes Economy Predictable
The cost for cloud computing is a preset fee that can decrease depending on the number of users you have accessing your data in this manner. Therefore, the cost to save your data and keep it accessible remains the same from month to month, with no hidden repairs or unforeseen accidents making that part of the budget go up unexpectedly. This is a great benefit to a company that is just starting out and trying to maintain a budget at a rate that is manageable and allows for profits early on in the life of the company.
4. Improves Mobility for Data
If you prefer to keep data at a certain physical location, it becomes necessary to transfer data to a more mobile device or transport system in order to have that data with you at an important meeting or a new location for startup purposes. When using cloud computing, the access to that data in a new location is as simple as it is at the home location for the business. This decreases time and effort and cost for other device storage in order to transport the data as needed.
5. Enhances Company’s Ability to Expand
Having data that is easily accessible in these new locations, as noted above, means that expanding the company becomes far simpler. Instead of worrying about creating a new server or a new system that allows access for the right number of employees, you have that data accessible already. Then, the expansion can focus on other factors, like finding the right employees and reaching the right demographic in the new location.
6. Fewer Employees Yet More Output
This is also connected to the ability to expand. With the data accessible from different locations, that cuts down on the number of employees needed to bring a new expansion to success. Therefore, you can see profits more quickly and hire fewer people, which in turns helps create a stronger connected unit because fewer employees need to be vetted and hired.
7. Simplifies Work Process
With physical systems and the duplication of systems for different facilities, there is a lot of redundancy in paperwork and communication efforts. Important details can get lost. With cloud computing, everyone is accessing the same set of information at different locations. This cuts down on the redundancy and allows a smoother work process that increases the success rate.
8. Allows Easier Overview with Better Access
The manager and other administrators need to be able to see that everyone is on the same page and doing the work with proper procedures in place. With the use of cloud computing, this becomes easier for those in charge so the process goes more smoothly. That supervisory personnel can ensure each employee is doing their share of the work is also important; that is another benefit of cloud computing access.
9. Updates are Automatic
With cloud computing, updates are part of the process and are scheduled at regular intervals. There is no need for additional staffing to ensure that this occurs in a timely manner and with optimal results. Instead, that feature is provided by the service handling the cloud computing. This means a lot of benefits for the user at a far cheaper cost.
10. Security is Enhanced
Since the service providing cloud storage and access is focused on reliable and secure service, they tend to spend more on security than the average company would on their own. This ensures the protection of your data, even if it is being stored elsewhere. It also actually provides you the benefit of that additional level of security without spending the money yourself on security features on top of data storage, devices and software.
11. Flexibility is Key
Having a system that can adjust when issues arise, that provides security at the level needed and at the time when it becomes necessary – all of these are important to keeping your business in the black and able to handle activity as usual. When using cloud computing, with storage provided by a service well-versed in these issues and this type of work, you can be sure your company is in good hands. The flexibility will be present to handle situations as they occur and avoid additional stresses for the administration at your company.
12. In Case of Disaster, Information is Not Lost
Storing data and having all of your company files and software in one location is dangerous. No matter how many preventative measures you have in place, it is always possible for a natural disaster or a fire or other accident to occur in that location. When that happens, you have lost everything with no basis for starting over. With the use of cloud computing and cloud data storage, you do not lose everything. Instead, you retain the information that helps you reach out to clients, know where you stood in terms of product and ordering and gives you a clear plateau to start building from instead of the ground up.