9 Softwares You Can’t Get Without if You are a Blogger

Blogging is one of the most creative jobs on the internet that people choose to do for a living. Even though the skill set and the content of the blog is equally important, this article will revolve around the technical aspect of the blog, from creating the website to keep a domain name running to managing the service of web hosting and so on. There are a few irreplaceable pieces of software that can help a blogger with maintaining these technical aspects. In fact, without these few software, bloggers may not be able to work effectively.

9 such software pieces are mentioned below:

1. Google Chrome

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Google Chrome

This is basically the most important software a blogger will ever need, a free internet browser. With blogs, it is also essential to create portfolio website and keep them running. Therefore, one definitely needs to spend a lot of time on the internet. Google Chrome is not just free; it is probably the best internet browser present in the market at present. The speed, working and the stability of Chrome is way better than the other browsers, and it is one of the reasons for its popularity. A blogger may also get benefit from the extension services that chrome provides.

2. Adobe Reader X

Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader X acts as one of the most promising PDF readers out there. As a blogger, one will also need access to software which is equally good at handling the PDF files as well as act as a reader and editor both. With such context, this software is just the perfect choice. Also, it provides its services completely free. Hence, the huge load of handling the enormous amounts of PDF files will not be a problem anymore.

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3. Dropbox

This software acts as storage to keep the useful files and it acts like a fantastic system that provides the storage online. The cloud allows a blogger to upload data equivalent to 2 GB for free and then the extension comes with payment. The cloud service is completely free and once the files are uploaded here, they can be accessed from anywhere in anytime, provided that the user has an active internet connection. For bloggers who travel a lot, or works in multiple devices, Dropbox is the perfect storage for files.

4. FileZilla Client


The software FileZilla Client uses the cross-platform File Transfer Protocol or FTP programming. As a result, the blogger can get access to each and every file that is present in the hosting provider server. When editing a blog or the website associated with it, the addition, editing or the deletion of the files can be done pretty quickly. The look of the website can be changed with this software too. Once a file is uploaded, it can be edited and re-uploaded too with the help of FileZilla Client.



The GNU Image Manipulation Program or the GIMP is one of the software that can edit and create images with ease. Much like Photoshop or Canva, there are lots of editing tools available to do the work. Additionally, it also consists of hosting features that are very important for maintaining a website. A blogger can edit images for the blog, brand the page, advertise, and design the logo of the site and so on. The functionality of GIMP is great.

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6. GnuCash


The GnuCash is more like accounting software that a blogger will need for keeping a track of the income. Since the blog has a widely projected monetary side, handling the various aspects of it and recording it can be easily done on this software. It can act as an account itself. Affiliate marketing and advertising are one of the important parts of successful blogging, and GnuCash will help a blogger to do just that.

7. LibreOffice


LibreOffice is one of the best word processing software available in the market. One can easily open up an interface for words, create spreadsheets, open a presentation, manage databases and edit the various vector graphics too. The blog posts can be written on this software easily and all sorts of editing can be done. This one app is equivalent to Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. So, one can get various jobs done in a single software.

8. Mozilla Thunderbird


The Mozilla Thunderbird acts as an efficient email manager. A blogger will need to maintain a lot of emails while running the website associated with it. While the need to maintain an active status on each of them is quite necessary, it becomes almost impossible to handle different email addresses by logging in and out simultaneously. Therefore, this software allows the blogger to actively maintain all the emails in one single place. Any activity in each of the accounts is immediately notified to the user. This saves a lot of hassle.

9. Notepad++


This software acts as a source code editor for the blogs that are posted or are going to be re-uploaded. Handling the HTML files that are essential for the running of the website and taking care of the CSS files can be quite a handful. Using this app lets the blogger handle these issues with ease, and it ensures that the website keeps running smoothly.

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Wrapping Up

These pieces of software can deal a lot with the problems that a blogger has to face on a daily basis. With the use of these, the technical aspects of blogging are quite simplified. Therefore, one can focus more on the content part and become a more successful blogger.

About Mike Stanley

Mike Stanley is a dedicated and passionate writer with a keen interest in the world of celebrity finance. With a background in journalism and economics, Mike has found his niche in researching and documenting the net worth of some of the most influential figures in the entertainment industry. His work is characterized by meticulous research and a commitment to providing accurate, up-to-date financial profiles.